For the past three months, the women's basketball team has been preparing for its first game, which is on Friday, Nov. 3.
The game will begin at 5:30 p.m. During the past three months, team members have endured early mornings, lifting weights, spending plenty of time in the gym, which also cuts into players' social lives.
Every day, players make time to go to the gym to go shoot or even do handles with the ball. Playing this sport takes many hours. But doing it as part of a team makes it all the better!
Each player must give sweat, blood and tears for this sport. Being around others who are doing the same provides powerful motivation, but for some the pain is always worth it.
Seniors on the team have many bittersweet memories as they reflect on their final preseason, which suddenly seems like it flew by too quickly.
Teammates and the coaching staff become family and share much laughter and accomplishments.
Players know these memories will last a lifetime and wonder how they will be able to step away form it all.
new count: 184 words
original: 283 words
For the past three months, we have been preparing for our
first game, which is on Friday the 3rd. The game will begin at 530 pm. For the
past three months I have been preparing for this day. By early mornings,
lifting weights, spending half my life in the gym, while also losing my daily
social life. Every-day, I make time to go to the gym. To go shoot or even do
handles with the ball. Playing this sport takes many hours out of my day. But
doing it along with my teammates make it all the better! I am not the only one
givinp up my sweat, blood, and tears for this sport. Being around others who
are doing the same keeps me going. But this will always be my number one sport
no matter the pain I have to go through.
For this being my last year it is very bittersweet. Now I look back and realize I took part in my last pre season for the past three months. How time flyes by and all of a sudden you look up, and a good thing has ended. Looking back, I have had the best teammates and best coaching staff. Many memories that contain uncortollable laughs. This sport brings more than just the game. It brings you memories that will last for a lifetime, best of friends, and also accomplishements I would not have been able to accomplish before now. I have five more months to enjoy this last season. My first and last game. My soon to be last game. It is all sad when I think about it, but I know that I will make the best of it!
For this being my last year it is very bittersweet. Now I look back and realize I took part in my last pre season for the past three months. How time flyes by and all of a sudden you look up, and a good thing has ended. Looking back, I have had the best teammates and best coaching staff. Many memories that contain uncortollable laughs. This sport brings more than just the game. It brings you memories that will last for a lifetime, best of friends, and also accomplishements I would not have been able to accomplish before now. I have five more months to enjoy this last season. My first and last game. My soon to be last game. It is all sad when I think about it, but I know that I will make the best of it!
I would move time, date and place to the first paragraph and get rid of the passive lines "will begin" and "which is on."