Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Don't mess with this goose

Gander protects nest from potential threats

On a warm Saturday afternoon, a gander stood strong on a small island in the center of a pond located at the Trianon apartment complex in Topeka. 

Unwavering in his stance on the east edge of the island, the gander watched for signs of approaching danger. Although most of his body remained motionless, he turned his neck at the slightest of sounds. The crack of a tree branch, the splash of a fish and the honk of another goose all kept him alert and focused on the task of protecting his family. The mother goose sat quietly several feet away and tended to their nest of unborn goslings.

Four mallards swam and played in the water at the north end of the pond. As they began to make their way to the island, the gander quickly moved and stood directly in their path. Ignoring his warning, the mallards continued to approach the island. When they were just inches away, the gander suddenly stood erect, spread his wings and began to hiss menacingly at them. Alarmed, the mallards formed a side-by-side line in front of him and quacked simultaneously.

Several minutes later, the gander’s perseverance paid off as the mallards surrendered the fight. They left the pond and waddled over to join a group of mallards gathered under a tree.

Confident the threat had subsided, the gander walked over to his nest to ensure that the eggs and mother goose were unharmed. He then went back to his initial spot on the edge of the island right before the sun began to set behind the trees. Peace had returned to the pond once again.


  1. Well written and descriptive, I pictured the whole thing in my head as I read it.


  2. I agree with Farai! I think you use your words wisely and made every detail very clear.
    Great writing, Emily!

  3. I like the details of your writing. I think this version flows better than the edited version (not to say that it isn't good, because it is!). I also enjoy the title as it is catchy and makes me wonder why I don't want to mess with this goose. Haha.

    Nice work!

  4. Well done, Emily! Your word choice was great. The story was descriptive without being too flowery. You clearly have an eye for details. Great job!

  5. You really set the bar high, Emily! I could easily picture that story since your word choice was so descriptive. You have some serious skills!

  6. I agree that you set the bar really high! I think you do a great job capturing the moment in an almost story-like way.

  7. Very picturesque, I really enjoy how it was written. Very good word choice. The title is the only part that might need a little revamping.

  8. It really kept the on the edge of my seat. Very well written.

  9. I've read this several times trying to find some way to be critical jerk about your writing. I've come up empty-handed so good job.

  10. You provided great detail and have portrayed excellent writing skills. I look forward to reading more of your stories. Great job!

  11. Wonderful story and excellent writing skills! I like the descriptive words you used.

  12. I could picture the whole thing as I read it. It was amazing! I wish I could capture a moment like this when I write.
