Friday, December 9, 2016

Society pressures millennials to pursue college education

Our current society is so immersed with the status quo of after graduating you must go to college, then find a job and have a family. What about taking an alternative route to what the  evolution of life is?

Many young adults are contemplating rather if college is for them. Considering if they should continue to pursue their four-year degree and incur a large amount of debt, or should they carve their own way to success by becoming an entrepreneur or pursuing a trade school.

Yes, well students in school are feeling the pressure of pursuing an education. Recently with the end of the semester approaching, many students  have been sprawled out in the library with papers scattered all over the table. study rooms booked and either many students are starting to pull all-night-er's in the library.

What if all of these efforts are in vain, after all are we really promised we will find a job after college. Society pressures us to go to college incur debt and then make us work like a slave to pay it off and still managed to live our daily lives.

The pressure of college education is definitely on and at its peak, Only in due time will we see if college education will continue you to be the route many millennials, or the next generation pursues. 


  1. Overall, this was a good read. However, try to avoid questions in the copy. Just tell us, don't ask us. Also, the headline could read, "Millennials pressured to pursue college." Just a though.

    As for the content. I also wonder if this trend of "you have to go to college" is in vain.

    I was pressured to go to college for engineering (because I liked space), but for a number of reasons, I wasn't ready and engineering turned out to not be for me. Only recently (2.5 years ago) did I realize that writing and communication was my passion. That means I spent 2 failed years at Wichita, and five years floundering in community college before finding my way. That's a lot of debt that I'll have to pay off.

    Is there a way to avoid this? I don't know. Maybe the best way is to get students to pursue technical schools or community colleges before actual universities is the answer.

    I do believe higher education is important and most should get it, but I don't like the, "Go out and get and advanced degree as soon as possible at all cost" mentality.

  2. I totally agree with this. I had been in college for two years before it really occurred to me that I didn't have to be here. I was just raised with the mindset of "you graduate high school, then you go to college." It took me 20 years to question it. If I had everything to do over, I would probably take a year or so off. I wasn't ready for college when I got here.
