Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Celebrate Veterans Day with Washburn

On November 11, 2015, Washburn is having a Veterans Day ceremony honoring all of the brave men and women who have served in the United States military.

This will be Washburn's 28th time doing the ceremony. Washburn having this ceremony for decades shows how appreciative the college is for those who have served and that those who have serves should be recognized for the sacrifices they have made in order to protect the United States. The ceremony will be at the SE corner of Morgan Hall.

There is four events which are: - 11:45 a.m. Cleansing and blessing, Vietnam Memorial - 11:55 a.m. Memorial balloon release for Agent Orange Victims (see below) - 12:00 p.m. Program - 1:00 p.m. Reception in Washburn Memorial Union Agent Orange Victims were exposed to two different herbicides that was used in the Vietnam War in 1962-1971.

It was a war tactic used on Vietnamese, but Americans that were fighting in the war were exposed to it as well. Some symptoms that came out of this concoction of mixing the two herbicides were cleft palate, mental disabilities, extra limbs, genetic diseases, skin lesions, cancers, sore joints, liver damage, etc.

 If there is bad weather on November 11, you can contact Student Services at 785.670.1629 to see what changes have been made to the ceremony. Come out and show your local veterans support and thanks.


  1. "There is four events which are:" It needs to be "There are four events:"

  2. Instead of saying "having or have," try and use a stronger verb that conveys better what you are trying to say. Also, put the date at the end of the lead and start with who or what.

    In the second paragraph, make sure your verb tenses match.

    Also, I'm confused from the third paragraph where it says Agent Orange Victims all the way to the end of the fourth paragraph. Try and clarify what you are saying or omit it all together.

  3. What Kara and Cathryne said was exactly what I was thinking as well. I was confused reading the 3rd paragraph and think it needs more clarification. Although, I do not fully see the relevance with the rest of the story so I believe it should be taken out completely.

  4. "This will be Washburn's 28th time doing the ceremony"
    I would maybe consider rewording this phrase. maybe something like "This is the 28th year that WU has held this ceremony" Since it is a yearly thing, I think using the word year is more intriguing than "time".
    Great story though!

  5. I agree with everyone about the inconsistent verb tenses throughout the story. Your headline is there, but just needs some words moved. Say something along the lines of "Washburn celebrates Veterans Day" or "Veterans honored at Washburn ceremony." You can delete the final sentence of the story.

  6. The 3rd paragraph I would just change it to there are four events which start at 11:45 or something like that. I don't think you need the dash either in front of the 11:45. Good article though!

  7. "There is four events," should be "are" not "is." I like the headline, but I would rearrange the words a little to make it shorter and concise. Good article!

  8. I agree everyone about the AP style error. but good job overall.

  9. I would make this whole paragraph a list. "There is four events which are: - 11:45 a.m. Cleansing and blessing, Vietnam Memorial - 11:55 a.m. Memorial balloon release for Agent Orange Victims (see below) - 12:00 p.m. Program - 1:00 p.m. Reception in Washburn Memorial Union Agent Orange Victims were exposed to two different herbicides that was used in the Vietnam War in 1962-1971."

  10. Good relevant topic. It wold be perfect for a newspaper.

  11. Fix the AP style errors, otherwise nice story.

  12. Make sure you abbreviate November in the first paragraph, since there is a date following it as well as in the last paragraph. Otherwise, great job!

  13. Make sure you abbreviate November in the first paragraph, since there is a date following it as well as in the last paragraph. Otherwise, great job!

  14. The events that are listed are hard to follow. I think changing that format would help readers. Great job using AP Style!

  15. Good job! Perhaps a list might be better to list out the events?
