Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Washburn refuses to cancel classes for Royals parade

In a three mile parade beginning at noon on Tuesday, Nov. 3rd in Kansas City, Missouri the Royals baseball team celebrated their 2015 World Series Championship win.

For the first time in 30 years, the Royals brought home the crown. Schools and business all over the Kansas City area were closing down to allow students, faculty and staff the opportunity to celebrate this historical win.

When approached via Twitter by students asking Washburn to allow for the day off, Washburn had no reply.

"Favorite or retweet this to get @WashburnUniv to cancel classes for the parade tomorrow. Everyone else is... #TookTheCrown #BeRoyal," tweeted Washburn student, Colby Taylor.

According to 42 Action News, more than 30 school districts closed to attend the victory parade. This included colleges such as Johnson County Community College and the Metropolitan Community Colleges.

Most students were not surprised by the lack of response by Washburn though and believed it was a long shot to ask in the first place.

"2 yrs ago Washburn was the only university in Kansas not to close bc of 3ft of snow. They're not closing tomorrow early," said Washburn student, Aaron Childers in a tweet about the possibility of Washburn canceling classes.

The beauty of college though is that one does not need permission to skip class. Many students played hooky for the day to be one of 800,000 people to attend the victory parade. Cars were abandoned on the sides streets and in the middle of the highways. Some people walked more than 10 miles just to reach the end of the parade at Union Station. Two people even pretended to be media journalists and were able to walk in the parade, meet Salvador Perez and get a hand on the World Series trophy.

People were willing to jump through hoops to attend and be apart of the Royals celebration. Students from Pittsburg State University, Mid-America Nazarene University, Emporia State University, the University of Kansas and Kansas State University were pleading for the day off with no luck.

Despite the lack of response from Washburn about canceling classes, they did show the live-viewing of the parade in the lower-level of the Union so students could watch and enjoy the celebration.


  1. I love this article! Great job Bree! I wish classes could have been suspended that day. I love this, the only thing I noticed was the ellipsis near your hashtags. I don't know if they are needed. It may just be a personal thing as I don't think there are rules in AP for #hashtags.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Nice use of AP Style. However, you might fact check to parade route length, I read it was 2.3 miles

  4. Great story! I loved how you broke up the story into short paragraphs, it made it very readable.

  5. Oh man! I love that you wrote about this. I know several Washburn students who ditched school anyway, including myself, to attend the parade. There are just a few fact checking things you should've done. The parade was 2.3 miles instead of 3. When you're quoting someone end it with the person's name and then their title.

  6. Great job Bree!! This story was interesting and easy to read. Nice job following AP style.

  7. When you quote the students, put what year in school they are after their name. Other than fact-checking the parade route, this was a good article! Easy to read!

  8. Very awesome idea, quoting tweets in your article. Good job.

  9. Good try to pick the topic! Students will like it

  10. Great topic. Loved reading this!! (Almost as much as I enjoyed the parade.)

  11. Definitely a relevant topic! Really well written and loved the use of tweets from students. Good job!

  12. Just fact check the mileage. Otherwise well written.

  13. The only suggestion I would make is to take the "rd" away from 3rd. Otherwise, great job! LOVE the story topic!

  14. I like that you were able to get quotes from students about the topic! I couldn't find any AP styling errors. Great job!

  15. Love this article! I know many students (including myself) wanted to go, but unfortunately school comes first. I feel like students missed a once in a life opportunity.

  16. Nice article! But don't start a sentence with a number, even in a quote. "2 yrs ago..."
