Wednesday, September 17, 2014

The Perfect Day

The day was not at all how she expected it would be. She hoped that the clouds that had gathered early that morning would burn off by the time it all started and that the sun would would raise temperature, but her hopes were crushed as 7 p.m.came and it started to rain. Though the damp weather had moved her venue inside, she knew that it was the perfect day to walk down the aisle.

The nerves sparked in her stomach as she watched friends and family gather in the event space. Her sister, who was her maid of honor, and her mother had just assisted her in putting on her dress. The ivory lace dress was something she had looked forward to wearing since she first tried it on months ago with family at her side. Now it was time to show the world.

The music began playing signifying the beginning of the ceremony. Her bridesmaids each gave her a quick hug and whispered encouraging words into her ear, but all she could think of was her fiance standing at the end of the aisle, waiting for her patiently. She wondered if he would cry or if he would be too nervous like she was.

"You ready?" her mother whispered to her. She quickly responded with a nod. Her father grabbed her arm and stared at his daughter with eyes full of tears. The time had come.

Her worries of tripping on the way up the aisle or falling from the nerves vanished when she saw him, her soon to be husband, standing on the other end of the aisle. A smile broke across his face and tears streamed down his face. As she began the walk with her mom and dad at her side, those in the audience stood. She smiled toward her family and friends, keeping one eye on her fiance at all times.

Her father took her hand as they reached where the preacher stood and placed it in her fiance's hand. She could not keep the tears from streaming down her face as she gave her father one last hug before becoming a married woman. She was ready. She looked into the eyes of her fiance and mouthed, "I love you." He paused and mouthed back, "You look beautiful."


  1. Great title Jena! It's a moving story. I liked it very much, very relate-able. :)

  2. That was a nice story. Makes me very excited for my own wedding!

  3. Such a wonderful moment to capture! Great job :)

  4. This was such a sweet story. Great job capturing the moment!

  5. I agree with everyone else! This story kept me interested until the very end. Great job! Question: can a dependent clause be set off with a comma at the end of a sentence if it doesn't include a connecting word? I don't have my book with me right now but I'll have to look that up. The sentence in your story that has me wondering that is this one... "Her bridesmaids each gave her a quick hug and whispered encouraging words into her ear, but all she could think of was her fiance standing at the end of the aisle, waiting for her patiently. "

  6. I liked the title even though it was vague, I cant imagine naming the story anything else. Good story. It kept my attention

  7. That was a nice story. Good job.
