Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Don't mock me! Unless it's an interview. (Extra Credit)

Today I was mock-interviewed by Valerie Williams of Advisors Excel. It was a class requirement for Dr. Stover's Senior Digital Portfolio class. I wasn't sure what to expect, but I prepared the best I could. I "interviewed" for an account management position.

The portfolio I prepared had my resume, a table of contents, one brochure, one essay, and three published articles. When it came down to the interview itself, Valerie went pretty easy on me. She asked some challenging questions about what I wanted in a future career/boss/company, but her openness and cheery attitude helped make the experience go quite smoothly.

I think I rambled on a few answers and maybe talked in a few circles, but I think my messages came across strong in every answer. The hardest ones were about how I would change a place I worked in the past, what was hard for me, and what I have done in the past that didn't go well. I can't wait to hear what her feedback is like.

Note to self: send a thank-you card.

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